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Planning Board Minutes 06/09/08
Public Meeting @ 4:30 p.m.
Monday, June 9, 2008

Present:  Janet Weidner, Acting Chair; PersonNameRussell Walton, John Flender,
              William Meegan, Mitchell Posin and PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   Tim Lasker, Richard Osnoss

Call To Order
PersonNameJanet Weidner, acting Chairperson, opened the meeting at 4:33 p.m.

Emin/Jenkinson 3-Lot Subdivision, Map 13, Lots 10.1, 10.2 & 10.3
The Board reviewed the draft letter to Mr. and Mrs. Blair Emin informing them of the Planning Board's decision concerning the restriction on the 3-lot subdivision.  At the May 27, 2008 Planning Board meeting, the Board voted to rescind the restriction on the 3-lot subdivision subject to the Emin and Jenkinson families signing the Purchase and Sale Agreement and signing the Road Easement Agreement.  The Board approved the letter and asked Christina to mail copies to all parties.
Master Plan Update
The Board reviewed and revised the final draft Master Plan Survey.  This survey, along with a cover memo, will be distributed to all Boards and Committees for their review prior to being mailed out to the community.  Christina will contact the Assessor's Department for the mailing lists for registered voters and property owners of Chilmark.  The Board anticipates mailing the survey early July 2008.

The Board members visited the two windmill locations in Chilmark; Bramhall (Map 8, Lot 49.1) and Greene (Map 3, placeLot 34).  At each site, the Board members observed the visual aspect, the noise output and the impact to abutter(s) and the neighborhood.   The Board will discuss the findings at the next Planning Board meeting and consider these issues during the process of amending the existing Windmill Zoning Bylaw.

The next Planning Board meeting is on July 14, 2008 at @ 4:30 pm.

There was no other business.  Ms. Weidner, acting Chairperson, adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.